Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I think that!

i think that Halee hates me 4 reasens why

1.Halee makes sure that I know that Savannah is a better friend than me.

2.She will not lett me touch her bullon and she lets Savannah. (It is true)

3.When I sask if she can play it is no and Savannah yes.

4.I think that she hates me.

well bye!!!


Halee Kate said...

Kolbie, when I can't play I can't.
I say no to Savannah too.
And I didn't let you touch it because I earned it and you were trying to pop it.
You need to stop because my mom isn't very happy about it, and it makes me feel bad,and it most of it isn't true.I think that if your going to write this kind of stuff we should be split up. This really hurts my feelings. And sometimes I feel like crying when you write this. I like you just as much as I like Savannah. And I wish I could play with you more, but not if you think i hate you.If I hated you as much as you tell everyone I do, then why do I play with you? I dont hate you and thats why I do play with you.

Halee Kate said...

:[ :[ :[

Anonymous said...

Kolbie Halees right when i can't play i can't either and you sometimes invite your self.And that makes me sad that you get mad over stupid things like rotten milk and earthquakes:p and that makes your friends not want to be around you so you should think about it. Oh ya and i want to tell you that when you get mad it makes me not want to be your friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!